Annual Appeal

Families should be able to afford academic excellence.

Please take a moment to consider supporting the mission of Catholic Education. Your gift to the ICA Annual Fund helps bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating a student. Your donation helps support:

* teacher’s and staff salaries & professional development

* technology support and upgrades

* educational, extracurricular, and support programs

* facility maintenance and improvements

* Utilities

Your gift can be made in memory of a loved one or friend. If your employer has a Matching Gift program, it might be possible to double or even triple your gift. Please get in touch with your HR department to obtain the matching gift form.

Did you know that it costs over $7,200.00 to educate each ICA Knight? This means that on March 10th, tuition is no longer covering the cost of a student’s education.

ICA respectfully asks you to consider a gift to our Annual Appeal of $100 or more if able. Your support has an enormous impact on the lives of our students.

Thank you for considering a gift to the children of the Academy.

Thank you!